
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We've upgraded Everfund's payment options with Direct Debits for monthly recurring donations, created a new supporter view on the dashboard, and made bug fixes for user experience, stability and performance!
Direct Debits 🔁
With Direct Debits now implemented into Everfund, you'll now see a Monthly button on the Donation Amount page of your donation links. You don't need to do anything to activate them as they are already on your donation links.
Our fees for Direct Debits are the same as our normal single donations at 3%, and our payment partner takes 1%, at 20p min and £2 max.
Direct Debit donations work on a monthly cycle and will appear in the dashboard as Monthly as a donation type. At first, they will appear as Pending until the Direct Debit payment processes and will then change to Succeeded once it hits your Everfund account.
Supporter view 🧘
We've also upgraded Everfund's dashboard to include our Supporters view to allow you to view your donor's long-term involvement with your charity as individuals.
When they consent to marketing you'll see their full details, if they don't, they are left anonymous to protect data in line with GDPR.
Quick call to help maximise your regular giving?
If you'd like to discuss how you can launch a regular giving campaign with Everfund, we can arrange a quick call to see how you can maximise this new feature and create sustainable fundraising in your charity. Contact Will via email or send us a message on our chatbot to arrange a call.
We hope you had a great New Years and we wish your fundraising the best for 2021!
You may have noticed that the dashboard has had a refresh to the look and feel. After releasing the new dashboard late last year, we've had a some great feedback from everyone and we've made some improvements to what appears where and how you navigate around the dashboard.
This has lead us to make a homepage on the dashboard which acts as a summary of all your fundraising on the Everfund. We've made further improvements, to first show you a breakdown of the key stats about your fundraising and in time you'll start to see much more information about your fundraising via insights on each of the main pages within the dashboard.
We've made this update along with a few bug fixes that may have gotten in the way of some of your tasks.
As we roll into this new year, we're currently making vast improvements to the functionality, use and feel of Everfund so expect to see much more features appearing on the dashboard very shortly as we make our way to our main launch in the coming few months.
Thank you for your support and happy fundraising!
Kind regards,
Chris, CEO
We hope everyone is getting prepared for Christmas!
We have just released our balances page, this allows you to view how much money is currently inside of Everfund and how much is heading to your bank accounts.
We have also added balances for legacy old Everfund accounts that are linked through Stripe as well.
Kind regards, Chris
We have just released the new Donation Links to Everfund. These now replace all old donation portals that were running on the old version of Everfund.
We've put a lot of work in to ensure that our new Donation Links are incredibly robust, fast and easy to help provide an even better donor experience which will ultimately put more trust in your charity and convert even higher donations for you.
For those of our customer who are still converting onto the new version, your Donation links will still work under the same link and payments will still arrive at your previous Stripe Account until you upgrade to the latest version of Everfund, where they will then appear on the new dashboard.
Good evening everyone!
We have released our new Single Donation screen, this allows you to filter all Single Donations by Succeeded, Incomplete, and also all.
Test Mode
With the release of our new Donation Links, we have included the ability for links to have two states,
modes. When the Donation Links are in the Test state it allows you to test the Donation Links just like your supporters will see so you can truly look, and test your links before you make them live.
All Donations in Test mode are test payments and no money will be taken out your accounts.
To see all donations made within the Test mode, flick the switch on the right side of the page and it will then show test donations!
Chris, CEO
We are working hard on getting the dashboard ready for the release of our new donation links.
All donation links can currently be viewed in test mode by using followed by your usual donation link's 4 character code.
  • Fixed bug with Payment Accounts within the settings.
  • Speed and stability updates on the dashboard.
  • New log in page.
Legacy Accounts included
  • Did your charity use Everfund's Preview? Good news is that we have already transferred your donation links to the new version of the dashboard.
  • You will also see in your Payment Accounts that we have included your legacy Stripe accounts (the one you may have used when using the old version of Everfund) so that your supporters will still be able to donate through your old donation links up until you have finished the onboarding and settings.