We hope you had a great New Years and we wish your fundraising the best for 2021!
You may have noticed that the dashboard has had a refresh to the look and feel. After releasing the new dashboard late last year, we've had a some great feedback from everyone and we've made some improvements to what appears where and how you navigate around the dashboard.
This has lead us to make a homepage on the dashboard which acts as a summary of all your fundraising on the Everfund. We've made further improvements, to first show you a breakdown of the key stats about your fundraising and in time you'll start to see much more information about your fundraising via insights on each of the main pages within the dashboard.
We've made this update along with a few bug fixes that may have gotten in the way of some of your tasks.
As we roll into this new year, we're currently making vast improvements to the functionality, use and feel of Everfund so expect to see much more features appearing on the dashboard very shortly as we make our way to our main launch in the coming few months.
Thank you for your support and happy fundraising!
Kind regards,
Chris, CEO